Pilgrims of Hope
Today we welcomed Jackie from CAFOD to teach us all about the Jubilee year. We learned about pilgrimages and about working together for the good of everybody.
40“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.”
Matthew 5:14
Hello and welcome to Year 6!
Your teacher this year is Mrs Jones and your LSA is Miss Firth
Day of the week | What should I bring to school today? |
Monday | |
Tuesday | Homework and spellings |
Wednesday | PE kit |
Thursday | PE kit |
Friday |
Click on the link below for details of the Year 6 curriculum.
Useful websites to continue your learning from home:
There are also lots of learning games on Purple Mash. Your child’s teacher will be able to provide login details for your child.
Today we welcomed Jackie from CAFOD to teach us all about the Jubilee year. We learned about pilgrimages and about working together for the good of everybody.
40Y6 reflected on the theme of solidarity this week during their assembly. They listened to the story of Shristi the Sun Bear and shared with the rest of the school the ways we stand together to help our global neighbours.
43This week in science we were asked to sort groups of mammals into smaller categories based on their defining characteristics. We thought of many different ways to split the group into smaller groups for identification.
40We welcomed Dr. Diane to our classroom this week. She told us all about the Ancient Maya and how they lived their lives. She also brought lots of artefacts for us to explore!
45Y6 have been working really hard to create bags from recycled materials. They combined their textiles together using running stitch and back stitch and added handles and pockets to suit their design brief.
48Y6 helped each other to look up and find different books and chapters in the Bible. We can now find our favourite passages with ease!
58Y6 love playing card and board games during wet play. There were some fierce Uno games being played and some chess champions in the making!
55Y6 have been using the working wall, text books, their own knowledge and classification keys to group and classify living things.
45We think these houses would have certainly caught the attention of Hansel and Gretel!
44Y6 carried out some interesting investigations to see how light is reflected off different surfaces.
66Y6 have worked incredibly hard to master algebra this week. They really enjoyed getting stuck in with a ‘Bipods and Tripods’ problem. They used a range of equipment to help them work in a systematic way. Keep it up Y6!
71In Y6 we learned about Benjamin Zephaniah and his passion for poetry. We listened to some of his poems and worked in groups and as a class to perform ‘Talking Turkeys’.
66Today as part of no pens day Y6 took part in a debate asking if money on space travel should be spent on people on Earth instead? There were lots of strong arguments on both sides. Well done Y6!
61Years 5 and 6 went on wonderful museum trip to the Imperial War Museum in Manchester.
79In Y6 we used Numicon, Cuisinairre rods and multilink cubes to explore number sequences. We learned about ‘term to term’ rules and the ‘n th term’.
68Today we have thought about what and who we aspire to be in Y6. We aspire to be: teachers, footballers, goalkeepers, doctors, an entrepreneur, a NASA scientist and a paleontologist!
71Y6 took part in a live session today led by the school health team, they were very engaged and shocked at what they learned! They explored how much hidden sugar is in food and drinks. They then learned how to be sugar detectives.
63We were excited to welcome two students from Liverpool University to our class this week. They spoke to us about the courses they study and what it is like to go to university. Lots of us were inspired to go to university in the future!
68We have really enjoyed our maths sessions this week! We have done some measuring, BIDMAS and balancing equations – what a busy week!
73Y6 took part in a live webinar session with Jacqueline Wilson today. She talked about the inspiration for her stories and discussed her books. We are excited to read more of her stories!
71Y6 enjoyed their first reading for pleasure club meeting. They have chosen to read ‘The Eye of the Wolf.’
77Today our Junior Leaders planned and delivered whole school assembly to mark Anti Bullying Week. They then invited each class to come out and share what they’d been doing to mark the event.
Today we are wearing our odd socks to mark Anti Bullying week. We are reminded that we are all unique and different and we should celebrate this by always being kind to one another.
69Whilst at the IWM North, the eagle-eyed children spotted an original Lowry painting! We spent time looking at the figures and discussed the inspiration for the painting being WW2. What joy this was to see as we studied this artist in Autumn 1!
69Today we visited the IWM North. We were really excited to revisit our learning on WW1 and we added to our knowledge of WW2. We learned about the effects of war and the value of peace. We also got to take part in a two minute silence at 11am to mark Armistice Day.
71We have been using role play to explore why the Woodcutter and his wife left their children in the forest. We came up with lots of ideas and even persuaded the Woodcutter to change their mind!
70Y6 were very excited to begin their new PE unit today. They worked hard to dribble the ball with all parts of their foot – it wasn’t as easy as it looked!
71Y6 visited reception today to get to know their buddies. They had a lovely time playing and making new friends.
83Y6 explored three ways to measure a tree. We discussed different methods and used mathematical equipment and perspective to help us to estimate the height of the trees.
78Our Junior Leadership team and School Council members from Y5 and Y6 took part in an exciting opportunity at the Liverpool Civil and Family Court today.
They were invited to a question and answer session with 3 judges currently serving in the North West. Including a Crown court criminal judge, a family judge and an employment judge. It was fascinating to find out about their roles. We then took part in a ‘mock trial’ looking at a case of cyberbullying. We were all given a role to play and even got to dress up in robes and wigs worn by judges and barristers in court.
Y6 have worked hard to edit their diary entries today. They focused on the grammar and punctuation objectives and supported their friends to improve their work.
85After a long summer break, our prayer garden was in need of a little care. Y6 spent some time clearing the leaves and litter to make this a lovely space to sit and reflect.
75Year 6 have been working really hard to secure their place value knowledge to 10 million!
26Year 5 and 6 took part in a writing workshop led by children’s author Marie Basting. The children produced some fantastic stories during the workshop.
78Today we showed our kites to Reception and flew them at the back of school. It wasn’t very windy but we still managed to get some lift in them!
142Y6 had a fantastic morning at the Palm House learning all about the plants and history of this magnificent glass house.
118We had a brilliant time in Colomendy! We will share more pictures in our leaver’s assembly next week.
85Y6 have tried houmous this week. They then made their own flavoured houmous.
155Y6 have been practising making frame structures. They reinforced them using different materials. We are excited to make our kite frames next week!
136Y6 made lots of noise on their Brake walk to raise awareness of road safety issues in our local area.
98In DT, Y6 have been investigating kites. They assembled pre-made kites and then tested them out in the school grounds.
70This week, Y6 have created manifestos and voted in a polling booth for the next Y6 prime minister.
97Year 6 have been learning all about the networks that link computers and devices together. Yesterday we went on a technician walk to audit the computing devices in our school. Today we have been researching Tim Berners-Lee.
127Y6 have been analysing the work of Frank Green and John Culshaw. They then chose an artist to focus on and created their own painting.
105Y6 held a class gallery today. They really enjoyed being art critics and left some fantastic feedback for their friends.
104Y6 studied the proportions of their faces before drawing their self portraits. They then painted them in monochrome taking inspiration from John Culshaw.
109Thank you to the Frontline staff today who came into school with treats, games and prizes to congratulate Y6 for working hard in their SATs tests this week.
111Y6 have been fantastic during SATs week! They have worked and revised so hard! They even used their downtime to work together to create this beautiful owl 🦉
118Year 6 took part in a Crucial Crew event this week. They learned about: mental health; online safety; gas safety; the dangers of electricity; being safe on buses and near train lines and how to get help in an emergency.
46During British Science Week Year 6 took part in lots of investigations linked to the theme of ‘time’. We looked at how genetic characteristics are passed down over time and also how plants and animals change over time through natural selection and variation such as the Peppered Moth. How many of our moths can you spot in the first picture?!
41Year 6 held an investigation today to help them to understand how different finches on the Galapagos islands have adapted to their environments through natural selection. We discovered that certain ‘beaks’ were adapted to eating certain ‘seeds’.
42Y6 enjoyed taking part in a World Book Day quiz today and played a great game of ‘Which book am I?’ It was great to hear so many Y6 children talking about their favourite authors and books!
48Y6 have been using Cuisenaire rods to create shapes with the same area but greater and smaller perimeters. We realised that the more exposed side lengths a shape has; the larger the perimeter!
31Y6 were tasked to change a traditional quesadilla recipe in D.T. They did a brilliant job and carefully chose the flavours and ingredients they thought would work best together. We used our fresh salsa recipe as a base and added new vegetables and herbs.
71Y6 have been challenged to create a text adventure game. They have planned their games as a flow chart on paper and can’t wait to start creating their digital masterpieces next week!
43Year 6 were visited today by Kate from the Palm House. Kate spoke about her role within the Palm House. She also told the children about the species of plants and animals that call the Palm House their home. Y6 were very excited to learn about the poisonous plants contained within the glass house. They were also very interested to learn that there is a statue commemorating Carl Linnaeus within the Palm House grounds! Kate also told the children about the history of the Palm House and how it was protected during World War Two. The children finished their session by building an origami bird house.
40Year 6 have enjoyed lots of activities this week to help us prioritise our mental health. We thoroughly enjoyed our peer massage session with Jessie and we took part in an active session in the hall; playing games to connect with our peers.
37Y6 are making great progress in their booster sessions. It has been lovely to see so many children coming in each day! Well done!
36Y6 have been working hard to create their own salsa! They tasted shop bought salsa before chopping, slicing and crushing fresh ingredients to create their own dish.
77In Y6, we have been learning about keeping ourselves safe online. We had visitors from the Ariel Trust who did some drama activities with us to help us to explore the dangers and risks of sending selfies online.
52Y6 attended a brilliant online session with Jeffrey Boakye! We learned all about the 1990’s and explored the characters and settings within his book, Kofi and the Rap Battle Summer.
33Today we had an extremely special visitor to Y6, the amazing Maya Archaeologist Dr. Diane. We have learned so much today about this ancient civilisation!
47Year 6 were fascinated by the snow this week. They built snowmen, cave sculptures and even a catwalk!
27Y6 really enjoyed their meeting with Santa! They had lots of questions and shared funny jokes together.
34Y6 have sewn their bags. They all look amazing! They then tested and evaluated their product to see if they would be suitable for an evacuee to carry their belongings on a journey. Well done Y6!
86Year 6 learned how to play Jingle Bells! They were fabulous and played lots of percussion instruments as well as the glockenspiels.
51Year 6 worked so hard to create over 150 Christmas crackers to sell at the Christmas fair. Well done!
38Year 6 have been using their DT skills to sew recycled textiles together to create a bag that could be used by an evacuee in World War Two.
85We thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas dinner today whilst wearing our Christmas jumpers.
40Year 6 worked hard to choose the rights and responsibilities that they thought would best represent the values we uphold in our classroom. These include the right to an education and the responsibility to play safely with our classmates.
36Year 6 have been learning all about algebra! They worked really hard to solve equations and mathematical problems with unknown variables using equipment.
56Today Y6 explored how light travels. They learned that light travels in straight lines. To change the direction of the light they used reflective surfaces.
56In Year 6 we have been learning about linear number sequences. We used lots of different equipment to help us represent our sequences. We spotted lots of patterns!
56Y6 have been looking at existing cloth bags. They have deconstructed them and considered their purpose and design. They then had a go at sewing a seam and evaluated their sewing skills before designing their own cloth bags.
112Y6 have been working hard to develop their dribbling skills with accuracy in PE.
74Our new book in Y6 is Hansel and Gretel – we are thrilled and can’t wait to see what Neil Gaiman’s version is all about!
63Year 6 were so excited to discover clues about their new book today. They ventured into the woodland area and found: a loaf of bread; an old lady; a house with farmland and a pile of fire wood. Do you know what our new story could be???
62We have enjoyed our first English unit of the year – Rose Blanche. We have written diary entries and bravery award speeches; drawing on our World War Two knowledge. We have also worked hard this half term to peer edit our work by working in a group of three using the writer hints and editing key as a guide.
67We love using Learning by Questions in Year 6 to consolidate our mathematical knowledge and practise our basic skills!
60In Year 6 we have been using bead strings and counters to help us understand the place value of numbers up to 10 million.
61During this topic we have learned about the symbols used to draw electrical circuits. We have created our own circuits and have investigated how to make a bulb brighter and a buzzer louder.