360 Degree Online Safety Quality Mark

At St Clare’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery, we recognise the vital importance of online safety in today’s digital world. To ensure that our school community – including pupils, staff, and parents – are well-equipped to navigate the online environment safely and responsibly, we are committed to working towards achieving the 360 Degree Safe Online Safety Quality Mark.

The 360 Degree Safe framework provides a structured, comprehensive approach to online safety, promoting best practices that embed a culture of safety across all aspects of school life. This shows our dedication to implementing this framework and the steps we are taking to secure this prestigious quality mark.

Key Elements of the 360 Degree Safe Online Safety Framework:

  • Leadership and Management:
    Online safety is a key component of our strategic leadership. The Head teacher, senior leadership team (SLT), and the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) are actively involved in ensuring that online safety policies and practices are robust, regularly reviewed, and integrated into our overall safeguarding strategy.
  • Policies and Practices:
    Our computing and safeguarding policies reflect a clear focus on online safety, aligning with national guidance and legislative requirements (e.g., Keeping Children Safe in Education). These policies are regularly updated, and all staff members are expected to familiarize themselves with them and adhere to the guidelines.
  • Education and Training:
    We provide regular, age-appropriate online safety education for pupils, empowering them with the skills and knowledge to stay safe online. Staff and governors receive ongoing training on online safety issues, and we extend online safety awareness initiatives to parents and carers through workshops, newsletters, and school communication channels.
  • Technology and Infrastructure:
    Our school’s IT infrastructure is equipped with appropriate filtering and monitoring systems to prevent and detect unsafe or inappropriate online activity. The use of digital devices and online resources is managed in a secure environment, with clear guidelines for safe internet use.
  • Partnerships and Engagement:
    We work in partnership with external agencies, including local authorities and online safety experts, to stay up to date with emerging online safety risks and ensure a proactive approach to keeping our school community safe. Additionally, we seek input from students and parents to continually improve our online safety culture.
  • Monitoring and Review:
    Achieving the 360 Degree Safe Quality Mark requires ongoing evaluation and improvement. We are committed to continuous monitoring of our online safety practices through audits, feedback, and assessments. Our aim is to foster a safe digital environment where all members of the school community feel supported and protected

Steps Towards Accreditation:

  • Self-Review: Our school has begun a self-review using the 360 Degree Safe online tool to assess current online safety practices and identify areas for improvement.
  • Action Plan: Based on the self-review results, we will create an action plan that outlines specific measures to enhance our online safety provision. This includes updating policies, increasing training opportunities, and ensuring a whole-school approach.
  • Stakeholder Involvement: We are actively engaging students, staff, parents, and governors in the process, recognising that a whole-community approach is essential for meaningful progress.
  • Evaluation and Feedback: Regular feedback will be sought from key stakeholders, and we will monitor the impact of our improvements to ensure ongoing progress towards achieving the 360 Degree Safe Quality Mark.

Commitment to Excellence

Achieving the 360 Degree Safe Online Safety Quality Mark is a clear demonstration of our commitment to providing a safe and supportive digital environment for our entire school community. This quality mark not only reflects our dedication to online safety but also ensures that we remain at the forefront of best practices in safeguarding our children online.

By embedding the principles of the 360 Degree Safe framework into our everyday school life, we aim to empower our students to be responsible, confident, and safe digital citizens.


  • The intent of the school’s computing policy is shaped by the commitment to high standards in online safety, aligning with the 360 Degree Safe framework’s goals. This leads to:
  • The primary intent of the computing policy becomes not only teaching technical skills but also ensuring that students develop the knowledge and attitudes needed to stay safe and act responsibly online. This intent extends to creating a positive digital environment that prepares students for safe internet use both in and out of school.
  • The policy will aim to cultivate digital resilience, ensuring that students are prepared to handle online challenges such as cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate content, and understanding privacy risks. Working towards the quality mark reinforces the idea that online safety is a fundamental part of digital literacy, and the computing curriculum reflects this expanded focus.
  • The intent emphasizes online safety as a priority not just within computing lessons but across the curriculum, aligning with broader safeguarding policies. The goal is to create a culture of online safety that pervades the entire school, influencing how technology is used in all areas of learning and school life.


Working towards the 360 Online Safety Quality Mark directly influences how the computing policy is implemented within the school by ensuring that best practices are applied consistently. This includes:

  • Embedding Online Safety in the Curriculum:
    The computing policy will integrate explicit lessons on online safety, ensuring they are age-appropriate and regularly delivered. The 360 Degree Safe framework encourages schools to provide practical lessons on digital citizenship, safe searching, secure communication, privacy protection and staff Training and Development:

  • Implementation of the computing policy requires ongoing training for staff. Working towards the quality mark ensures that all staff are aware of the latest online safety risks and how to teach students about these issues. It also includes staff digital safety practices and how they model positive online behaviour.
  • Using the 360 Degree Safe Tool:
    The framework encourages the school to continuously review and assess its practices using the 360 Degree Safe tool. This tool helps identify areas of improvement and ensures that online safety remains a priority in the day-to-day implementation of the computing curriculum. Policies are regularly reviewed and updated based on self-assessment results.
  • Technology and Infrastructure:
    Ensuring safe access to technology becomes a key aspect of implementation. The school will implement effective filtering, monitoring systems, and access controls to protect students. The computing policy will include guidelines on how students are expected to use school technology safely, both for learning and socializing.
  • Parental Engagement:
    The policy will also ensure that parents are actively involved through workshops and information sessions, helping them understand their role in supporting online safety at home. This includes providing guidance on managing technology use and promoting safe behaviour outside school hours.


  • The pursuit of the 360 Degree Safe Online Safety Quality Mark amplifies the impact of the computing policy, ensuring that its effects extend beyond basic digital skills to broader online well-being. This is reflected in:
  • Improved Student Safety:
    By embedding online safety within the computing curriculum and school culture, students are better equipped to identify and manage online risks. This leads to safer and more responsible online behaviour both inside and outside the school environment.
  • Enhanced Digital Citizenship:
    Students develop a stronger sense of responsibility when using digital platforms. They learn how to communicate respectfully, protect their privacy, and understand the long-term consequences of their digital actions. The policy’s impact is measured not just by technical skills but by the students’ ability to navigate online environments ethically and safely.
  • Empowered School Community:
    Achieving the 360 Degree Safe Quality Mark elevates the entire school community’s awareness and understanding of online safety issues. Staff, students, and parents work together to create a collaborative culture of online safety, where all parties feel supported and informed.
  • Ongoing Reflection and Improvement:
    The computing policy fosters a cycle of continuous improvement in online safety. Regular self-assessment, feedback, and updates ensure that the policy evolves in response to new challenges and technologies, maintaining its relevance and effectiveness in safeguarding students.
  • Positive School Reputation:
    Attaining the 360 Degree Safe Online Safety Quality Mark signals to parents, the wider community, and external bodies (e.g., Ofsted) that the school is committed to the highest standards of online safety. This can enhance the school’s reputation and ensure that it is seen as a leader in providing a safe, supportive digital learning environment.

Always be careful when you are using the internet. It can help you to keep in touch with your friends and help your education – but it can also cause harm – to you and to others.

Remember help is always available at school if you are having any problems online.

Don’t be afraid to talk to your teacher or another adult at school.

If you or anyone you know is worried about Child Exploitation, Online Protection or anything related to Internet safety please click the link below which will take you to the CEOP reporting website:


Helpful links to look at with your family




Tips for staying safe online:

Make sure you keep new online friends strictly online. If someone you don’t know asks to be your online friend you must ensure an adult knows about it.

https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/information/cybersprinters-game-and-activities#section_3 Click on the link for a game created by The National Cyber Security Centre