Exploring programmable toys.
We gave our BEEBOTs the correct instructions using positional language to direct them to specific places on our map.

We gave our BEEBOTs the correct instructions using positional language to direct them to specific places on our map.
In Y6, we have been learning about keeping ourselves safe online. We had visitors from the Ariel Trust who did some drama activities with us to help us to explore the dangers and risks of sending selfies online.
49Y6 have been challenged to create a text adventure game. They have planned their games as a flow chart on paper and can’t wait to start creating their digital masterpieces next week!
41Year 6 took part in a Crucial Crew event this week. They learned about: mental health; online safety; gas safety; the dangers of electricity; being safe on buses and near train lines and how to get help in an emergency.
45Year 6 have been learning all about the networks that link computers and devices together. Yesterday we went on a technician walk to audit the computing devices in our school. Today we have been researching Tim Berners-Lee.
123Today we explored Purple mash with our own logins. We changed our avatars and background and tried out some of the activities.