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Reception Chatter

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Road Safety Walk

As part of our Whole School Road Safety Week, each class went on a Road Safety Walk around our local area to raise awareness in our community and share some important road safety messages.

To raise awareness of Road Safety during our Whole School Road Safety Week, each class took part in a walk in our local area to highlight some important safety messages to our local community.

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Rock Kidz Day

We invited the wonderful Rock Kidz into school for a fun filled PSHE day to let our hair down, get our rock gear on and focus on our mental health. This year’s focus was Perseverance and Resilience. We all had a ball whilst remembering to always keep in mind today’s key phrase… ‘YOU’RE AWESOME SO BE AWESOME!’

We invited the wonderful Rock Kidz into school for a fun filled PSHE day to let our hair down, get our rock gear on and focus on our mental health. This year’s focus was Perseverance and Resilience. We all had a ball whilst remembering to always keep in mind, today’s key phrase… ‘YOU’RE AWSOME SO BE AWSOME!’

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Making healthy fruit kebabs in Reception

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Creative/Imaginative play in Reception

As part of our Big Wide World topic we worked together to create our own sailing boat. We can’t wait to use it to travel around the world. Land Ahoy!!

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We invited our families to watch our end of year musical showcase! We sang a selection of songs we have learnt accompanied with percussion instruments.

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Reception camping trip to the forest!

We had such a fun morning having a full camping experience in the forest. We sang songs and toasted marshmallows by the fire, built dens, enjoyed camping themed stories in the barn and even tested out the sleeping bags!