Mindfulness week.
Year 5 enjoyed learning about the Palm House and creating wonderful bird houses.
123Year 5 enjoyed learning about the Palm House and creating wonderful bird houses.
35Year 5 made a healthy Greek dip as part of learning about healthy eating
86Year 5 took part in a walk through the local community asking for safer places to cross and walk.
90Year 5 carried out a parliamentary style debate on whether school uniform should be phased out. A number of children changed their minds and went against the party whip. Keeping school uniform won the vote. Democracy in action.
88As part our our forces topic,year 5 created parachutes and carried out an investigation into how air resistance affects falling objects.
87One of our fantastic year 5 children with his brilliant drawing of the Liverpool skyline.
81Year 5 enjoyed planning and creating different types of bread,importantly they were able to eat it afterwards.
115Year 5 and 6 showed fantastic cricket skills during cricket club sessions. We have really talented young people at our school.
84Year 5 spend the day creating their own comic books with fantastic storylines and illustrations. We have lots of future Stan Lees in our midst.
85Year 5 had a wonderful morning at the Palm House. They took part in art and craft activities. They also learnt about the history of the beautiful structure and about some of the fabulous plants which can be found there.
93Year 5 enjoyed taking part in sports day. Lots of effort from everybody involved, particularly Mrs Jones.
98Year 5 had a wonderful afternoon creating Ancient Greek comedy and tragedy masks. The children are extremely creative and they really enjoy expressing themselves through art.
137Year 5 enjoyed researching into the achievements of the Ancient Greeks and how their legacy is a part of our daily lives.
87Year 5 carried out a number of triangle investigations. There was a prize for the winning team.
78Year 5 created different 3D shapes from cubes to hexagon prisms and cones. Great effort from all the children.
79Year 5 carried out a wonderful black history prayer and liturgy. The children read extremely. Well done year 5.
58Year 5 and 6 took part in a writing workshop led by children’s author Marie Basting. The children produced some fantastic stories during the workshop.
62Year 5 spent their English lesson considering the thoughts and emotions of runaway slave Henry ‘Box’ Brown.
73Year 5 enjoyed carrying out an investigation into which material is the best thermal insulator.
60Our Junior Leadership team and School Council members from Y5 and Y6 took part in an exciting opportunity at the Liverpool Civil and Family Court today.
They were invited to a question and answer session with 3 judges currently serving in the North West. Including a Crown court criminal judge, a family judge and an employment judge. It was fascinating to find out about their roles. We then took part in a ‘mock trial’ looking at a case of cyberbullying. We were all given a role to play and even got to dress up in robes and wigs worn by judges and barristers in court.
Maths was lots of fun today in year 5, we took part in a maths lesson outside, creating symmetrical shapes and took part in lots of TT Rockstars tournaments.
58Year 5 created their own biomes. This included the weather,vegetation and animals for their biomes.
55Year 5 led a beautiful remembrance prayer and liturgy. This included a visit from friend of St Clare’s, Pipe Major James Axon who performed a wonderful lament (Flowers of the Forest).
60Years 5 and 6 went on wonderful museum trip to the Imperial War Museum in Manchester.
65Year 5 led today’s Advent prayer and liturgy, celebrating the 2nd Sunday of Advent – Peace.
49Year 5 enjoyed taking part in a science investigation into how we can seperate solids and liquids using filtering.
39Year five really enjoyed acting out the model text, it helped them to understand how the character reacted to his environment.
14Year 5 created rectilinear shapes using cuisenaire rods. They had to calculate the perimeter of those shapes.
15The children worked really hard when trying to create pulley systems and gear systems. They tried different materials and carried out a very good evaluations of their products.