Y6 Science – Electricity
During this topic we have learned about the symbols used to draw electrical circuits. We have created our own circuits and have investigated how to make a bulb brighter and a buzzer louder.
55During this topic we have learned about the symbols used to draw electrical circuits. We have created our own circuits and have investigated how to make a bulb brighter and a buzzer louder.
55Today Y6 explored how light travels. They learned that light travels in straight lines. To change the direction of the light they used reflective surfaces.
52Year 6 were visited today by Kate from the Palm House. Kate spoke about her role within the Palm House. She also told the children about the species of plants and animals that call the Palm House their home. Y6 were very excited to learn about the poisonous plants contained within the glass house. They were also very interested to learn that there is a statue commemorating Carl Linnaeus within the Palm House grounds! Kate also told the children about the history of the Palm House and how it was protected during World War Two. The children finished their session by building an origami bird house.
36Nursery class had an exciting morning. We helped Farmer Gregg and Farmer Marie feed the animals their breakfast. We also stroked the animals and some children felt brave enough to hold a rat. Well done everyone.
We sorted animals into a criteria we decided, then we learned that each animal is classified according to its characteristics.
38Year 4 investigated which materials conducted electricity and made the bulb light. We discovered that metal is a good conductor, but plastic, paper, wood and fabric are not.
37In Reception class we went on a Spring walk and used our senses to investigate signs of Spring around us.
This half term our topic is ‘Sunshine and Sunflowers’. We sequenced cards showing the life cycle of a sunflower and planted our own sunflower seeds. We are very excited to see them starting to grow.
31Instead of throwing away the daffodils from our observational drawings we took them outside and took a close look inside the flowers and stems using our magnifying glasses and tweezers.
Science Week: Nursery Class had lots of fun exploring shadows using animal puppets, a white sheet and torches. When we have some sunshine we are going to see if we can find our own shadows!
38This week in Year 3, we have taken part in various science experiments. We started with Get Set Jellies and then moved on to Friction fun. Jelly sets over time but we found out that different methods for preparing the jelly, can slow the process down. We used, peaches, mangos and pineapples as our additional foods in the jelly. We then took part in a friction experiment using long grain rice, a pencil and a water bottle. The aim was to see whether the bottle filled with rice could be lifted off the surface area by just holding the pencil. We were amazed at the outcomes and thoroughly enjoyed our experiments!
39This week we looked at the different seasons and what months are in those seasons. We also did an experiment to how far our germs can spread when we sneeze and cough if we dont cover them up.
34Year 6 held an investigation today to help them to understand how different finches on the Galapagos islands have adapted to their environments through natural selection. We discovered that certain ‘beaks’ were adapted to eating certain ‘seeds’.
39During British Science Week Year 6 took part in lots of investigations linked to the theme of ‘time’. We looked at how genetic characteristics are passed down over time and also how plants and animals change over time through natural selection and variation such as the Peppered Moth. How many of our moths can you spot in the first picture?!
35Year 4 investigated how sound was made using tuning forks, water elastic bands and rice on a drum! They discovered that sound is caused by an object vibrating.
107Today we checked how our sunflowers have grown (or not!) We discussed how the amount of water we gave the plants effected their growth.
96This morning in Nursery we said goodbye to our butterflies. We have thoroughly enjoyed watching them grow from tiny hungry caterpillars to beautiful butterflies. We managed to hold one of the butterflies before it flew away. What an exciting morning!
36Year 2 are very excited to have had a response from 10 Downing Street following our persuasive letters about stopping plastic pollution.
105Year 4 began the day with walking a mile around the school. It set us up well for the beginning of our Health and fitness week.
105As part our our forces topic,year 5 created parachutes and carried out an investigation into how air resistance affects falling objects.
87Year 5 had a wonderful morning at the Palm House. They took part in art and craft activities. They also learnt about the history of the beautiful structure and about some of the fabulous plants which can be found there.
93Y6 had a fantastic morning at the Palm House learning all about the plants and history of this magnificent glass house.
103year 4 used a variety of readily available resources to create a simulation of what happens in the digestive system. It was very messy!
93Year 4 worked together to find out the characteristics of the different vertebrate groups
65Year 5 enjoyed carrying out an investigation into which material is the best thermal insulator.
60Nursery class found lots of autumn treasures on their walk yesterday morning. We found conkers, acorns, sticks and lots of different coloured and sized leaves.
56We went on a learning walk of our school grounds to see what leaves, flowers and trees we could see.
16Y6 took part in a live session today led by the school health team, they were very engaged and shocked at what they learned! They explored how much hidden sugar is in food and drinks. They then learned how to be sugar detectives.
49Y6 carried out some interesting investigations to see how light is reflected off different surfaces.
49Year 5 enjoyed taking part in a science investigation into how we can seperate solids and liquids using filtering.
39Y6 have been using the working wall, text books, their own knowledge and classification keys to group and classify living things.
24We carried out an ice investigation to find the best way to melt ice and how we could keep it frozen for longer.
This morning we arrived at nursery to find some of our toys had been frozen. Oh no! We worked together to break the ice to rescue our toys using warm water and plastic tools. Well done, Nursery!
21This week in science we were asked to sort groups of mammals into smaller categories based on their defining characteristics. We thought of many different ways to split the group into smaller groups for identification.
13This week in Nursery we have been learning all about winter animals including naming and describing them and finding out where they live. We have also been developing our painting skills by painting snowmen.