“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward.”
Colossians 3:23-24
At St Clare’s we pride ourselves on ‘Letting Our Light Shine’. This means we do everything we can to the best of ability and we’re always striving to be the best we can be.
At St Clare’s we have our weekly celebration assembly every Friday. In this assembly, we give out certifcates, book tokens, we find out our attendance and who has got the most points on TT Rockstars and on Reading Plus.
The certificates we give out every week are: –
Reader of the Week, Writer of the Week, Mathmatician of the Week, Star of the Week, and Gospel Values

Dojo Teams
We have four Dojo Teams at St Clare’s. They are

We have Dojo Team Captains from Year 6 and Vice Captains from Year 5. We collect our weekly dojo points and then we find out who the winner is in asse,bly every Friday. Theyre are special prizes and events planned for the winning team, each half term and a special prize for being the overall winners with the most points at the end of the year.
Our staff are all in Dojo Teams too and will be cheering on their teams to be the winners!

Awesome Award
“Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man”. (Ps 66:5)
Being Awesome is a big deal at St Clare’s.
The “Awesome Award’ is a very special award given to our children who are ALWAYS doing the right thing ALL of the time.
Being Awesome means, you are always a good and kind friend on the playground.
Being Awesome means, you always show good manners and are helpful to others.
Being Awesome means you go over and above in your school learning, doing extra work outside of your lessons or maybe always doing something good for your community that benefits others.
You are Awesome!