We are incredibly lucky as a school to currently have 31 different languages spoken!
Each academic year we have a series of events to celebrate the different cultures within our school.
In July 2019 we were successful in gaining the ‘School of Sanctuary Award’ in recognition of the work we undertake in our school around this area.
If you or your child have English as an additional language and require support please contact the school office for help. Please see some helpful websites and contact details below.
Useful Websites and Contacts
Alta Vista – is an on-line dictionary for Korean, Chinese, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian.- http://www.uk.altavista.com/
Logos – Great childrens picture dictionary in 56 languages. Adult dictionaries are also available. http://www.logos.it/
Happy child – Happy Child has worksheets useful for teaching English. Verb and Vocabulary worksheets are available in Arabic, Dutch, French, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Spanish and Urdu. – http://www.happychild.org.uk/home10.html/
Refugee Council – information for refugees and Asylum seekers. Booklet is translated into 12 languages.
Primary Resources – Standard letters to parents, from school trips to head lice, translated into 31 languages. Available to download. – http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/letters/
Booktime – Booklet and colourful poster for parents about enjoying books with their children. Available to download in 30 different languages. – http://www.tbooktime.org.uk/reading-with-your-child/
Talk to your baby– Downloadable sheets for parents with top tips to help their child, information about the importance of using the home language. http://www.talktoyourbaby.org.uk/
EMTAS – Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service 0151 233 3901