Year 2 Chatter

Snow Day! 16/1/2024
Year 2 have loved playing in the snow today seeing who can build the biggest snowman!
Vegetable Tasting in Year 2!
Today Year 2 have been exploring different vegetables. Looking at how we can prepare them and what they taste like. With adult help, they have been carefully peeling and chopping; carrots, avocado, peppers and cucumber. The class have loved trying the different vegetables, deciding how they tasted and what their textures felt like!
LLP Reading Festival
Year 2 enjoyed our zoom with Lucy Farfort reading her book she has written and illustrated, In Our Hands. The children enjoyed designing their own character to help their community and showcasing their work to the rest of the class on the visualiser.
Well Done Year 2!
Children’s Mental Health Week 2024
Key Stage 1 have been busy for Children’s Mental Health Week by taking part in peer massage, Cosmic yoga, mindfulness colouring and dance.

Observational Enquiry
Today we checked how our sunflowers have grown (or not!) We discussed how the amount of water we gave the plants effected their growth.
Talking to Downing Street!
Year 2 are very excited to have had a response from 10 Downing Street following our persuasive letters about stopping plastic pollution.