Using our World War 2 display!
We love to use our displays to help us learn. We enjoy exploring the books and objects related to our new topics!
64We love to use our displays to help us learn. We enjoy exploring the books and objects related to our new topics!
64Today we had an extremely special visitor to Y6, the amazing Maya Archaeologist Dr. Diane. We have learned so much today about this ancient civilisation!
46Year 1 took a trip to the Museum of Liverpool to learn about toys from the past and from the present.
46Year 5 had a wonderful morning at the Palm House. They took part in art and craft activities. They also learnt about the history of the beautiful structure and about some of the fabulous plants which can be found there.
105Year 5 had a wonderful afternoon creating Ancient Greek comedy and tragedy masks. The children are extremely creative and they really enjoy expressing themselves through art.
152Year 5 enjoyed researching into the achievements of the Ancient Greeks and how their legacy is a part of our daily lives.
91Year 4 became historians today when they used a variety of sources to research Ancient Civilisations.
75Year 4 went to the World Museum Liverpool to take part in an Ancient Egyptian workshop, we got the chance to look around the Egyptian display and handle some real artefacts
75Year 5 led a beautiful remembrance prayer and liturgy. This included a visit from friend of St Clare’s, Pipe Major James Axon who performed a wonderful lament (Flowers of the Forest).
66Today we visited the IWM North. We were really excited to revisit our learning on WW1 and we added to our knowledge of WW2. We learned about the effects of war and the value of peace. We also got to take part in a two minute silence at 11am to mark Armistice Day.
66Whilst at the IWM North, the eagle-eyed children spotted an original Lowry painting! We spent time looking at the figures and discussed the inspiration for the painting being WW2. What joy this was to see as we studied this artist in Autumn 1!
64Years 5 and 6 went on wonderful museum trip to the Imperial War Museum in Manchester.
74We welcomed Dr. Diane to our classroom this week. She told us all about the Ancient Maya and how they lived their lives. She also brought lots of artefacts for us to explore!