Using Bible references
Y6 helped each other to look up and find different books and chapters in the Bible. We can now find our favourite passages with ease!
The foundation of our Religious Education Policy is based on our mission statement. We aim to foster, develop and sustain faith, hope and a love of God through a broad curriculum based on the gospel. We recognise that the curriculum, in its content and delivery, reflects the fact that Jesus Christ is the foundation of the whole educational enterprise.
As a Catholic school, St Clare’s aims to complement the Catholic home by cultivating the moral, intellectual, aesthetic and physical development of our children. We aim to foster a collaborative and co-operative environment which makes every member of our school feel welcome, valued and respected, regardless of race, creed, gender or disability.
Our teaching is not only evident in Religious lessons and in prayer and liturgy, but it underpins all we teach, across the curriculum. It is evident every day in the classroom, in the attitudes and skills we attempt to foster in our children. It permeates all areas of the curriculum. We aim to develop, in a Catholic atmosphere, qualities of mind, body and spirit in order to prepare our children to face the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
We acknowledge that to create distinctive Catholic School requires the full commitment of all who belong to the school community to trust and respect each others views and feelings. All are valued and encouraged to make St Clare’s a stimulating, enjoyable and satisfying place in which to work.
We aim to:
We use the ‘Come and See’ Catholic Primary Religious Education Programme which integrates the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Catholic Levels of Attainment and the new Religious Education Curriculum Directory. It is the programme prescribed by the Archdiocese of Liverpool and the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. We endeavour to be creative and use cooperative learning techniques to promote children’s progress.
In addition, Come and See allows us to promote key principles of Catholic Social Teaching and introduce a global aspect to our RE curriculum through the inclusion of CAFOD’s Universal Church topics. Teaching of other faiths is built into the programme, so our pupils have the opportunity to learn about other faith communities and their beliefs and practices. Years 1-6 will study Judaism for one week during the Autumn term, followed by a week learning about Sikhism in the Summer term.
Throughout the year provision is also made for Fr Aiden, our parish priest to attend school and celebrate with the children. Class led assemblies also take place throughout the year. The prayer life of the school is integrated into the Religious Education curriculum e.g. through class based collective worship opportunities. ‘Reflect’ time is part of the Come and See programme and allows pupils to plan their own collective worship sessions and reflect on their learning from the previous weeks.